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Knowing NIH grant paylines is important information to assess whether or not your project will be funded.

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An NIH payline is determined based the combination of the available funds and applications for those available funds. The Impact score is evaluated relative to the NIH payline. The NIH payline is the cutoff for funding: an Impact Score higher than Payline is generally not going to get funded. An Impact Score less than Payline will generally result in a funded grant.

In NIH terminology the Small Business Innovation Research Awards (SBIR) is coded as R43/R44 with R43 = Phase I and R44= Phase II or FastTrack; and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) as R41/R42 with R41 = Phase I and R42= Phase II or FastTrack.

Individual funding institutions set their paylines or impact scores as follows:

SBIR R43/R44: 27 (experienced as low as this figure)
STTR R41/R42: <25 (experienced as low as this figure)
Note, paylines are not published but Grant Engine experience demonstrates these paylines a reliable but not always definitive.

In 2023 back to 35-ish at PO/Counsel discreation. 2022: under 30. Prior to 2022: payline was low 35-ish at PO’s discretion. Circa 2022, paylines are very likely under 30. Budget amounts of $400k for Phase I and $2M for a Phase II (total costs, up to 3y).

SBIR/STTR R43: <33 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <33 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Grant Engine experience is payline under 30 at PO’s discretion.
Budget amounts: rarely accepts stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: 30 (published payline)
SBIR/STTR R44: 10-40 “Zone of Consideration” but recently <28 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Payline-only for Phase I’s with discretion usually up to around approximately 32 impact score depending on indication for PhII/FT.
Budget amount of $300k for Phase I and $1M/y for up to 3y for Phase II; guidance is ‘generally’ do not fund over $2M total costs for a Phase II. However, Grant Engine has had success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Up to 45 with PO discretion, and often with a strategic edge that can be accomplished via working with Grant Engine.
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

STTR R43/R44: 31
SBIR R43/R44: 29
Generally points out a ‘strict payline’, however near the end of the FY NIAID will possibly consider proposals within 1-2pts of payline.
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR R43/R44: 26 (published + experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
STTR R41/R42: 19 (published + experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: rarely accepts stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <29 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <29 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: rarely accepts above stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <35 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <35 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: ~25, though possible at 26-27 in special situations (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: ~25, though possible at 26-27 in special situations (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)

PO does not have a lot of discretion for scores above 25, but it is quite possible.

Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook. Clear buy-in from PO needed for Budget Waivers. Line-item detail makes JIT easier. Strong preference for no publication costs or conference travel in budget.

SBIR/STTR R43: <55 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <55 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Recommend engaging with PO on any scored proposal.
Budget amounts of $320k for Phase I and $2.5M for a Phase II (total costs, up to 3y).

SBIR/STTR R43: <32 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <32 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Historically higher paylines than above experience. Very much indication/application specific.
Budget amounts of $350k for Phase I and $2.5M for a Phase II (total costs, up to 3y).

SBIR/STTR R43: <40 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <40 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Outreach with PO can significantly determine outcomes.
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: <40 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: <40 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Very much indication/application specific. Relationship with PO can significantly determine outcomes.
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

SBIR/STTR R43: < 30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
SBIR/STTR R44: < 30 (experienced through PO and Institute interactions)
Very much indication/application specific. Relationship with PO can significantly determine outcomes.
Budget amounts: stated statutory limit. However, Grant Engine has consistently demonstrated success in securing higher amounts via our budget waiver playbook.

NHGRI, NIEHS, NINR, NIMHD, NLM, NCCIH, Others: no specific payline or no information available.
There are many benefits to funding from SBIR and STTR, and they can be competitive programs to access. Having an application that lands in the payline or impact number zone is not a guarantee of funding, of course, but it puts your life sciences organization in a good position to obtain non-dilutive funding for your project or plans.

At Grant Engine, we have experience creating applications for various funding programs, tailored to highlight why our clients are different from the rest and worthy of a grant. With our help your business will have a higher likelihood of winning a grant by getting into the payline your preferred funding institute and securing a higher budget via budget waiver topics.

As always, if this topic or others are of interest to you, we can help. Please call (650) 937-9164, or contact us through our website.